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A Tribute to Malcolm X

Following what would have been activist Malcom X’s (or el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz’s) 95th birthday, I was astounded at the muffled response to mark it in traditional and social media. This was especially when compared to that of Martin Luther King Day which is widely recognised, celebrated and spoken about.

I feel it apt to talk about Malcolm on this platform, as education was so important to his life. Malcolm was a gifted, intelligent child and did well in formal education but education influenced his life a lot further than the classroom. Whilst imprisoned, he read frequently and studied Islam, which led him to join the Nation of Islam and start his political career. Education helped Malcolm establish himself and find a cause worth fighting for, turning his life around. As we experience uncertainty at this time, it would be helpful to reflect ourselves, on what education means to us personally and what we intend to do with it. In his words ‘Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today’ and this is a philosophy he lived as well as promoted.

Malcolm’s spirituality was both admirable and criminally understated. It is fitting, that his birthday falls in Ramadan this year, as Malcolm was such a dynamic Muslim voice. His religion not only a source of strength, but of inspiration particularly for his later political ideology. Malcolm’s religion is often overlooked or ignored, which is not uncommon for Muslim figures in Western history who have their religious identities diluted. Malcolm famously changed his politics after his pilgrimage to Mecca, upon seeing peaceful, racial coexistence there. The pilgrimage has a profound effect on many, who often pledge to change their lifestyles as a result. Malcolm didn’t only profess this
promise, he enacted it, becoming more open and tolerant. In combining Islam and politics, Malcolm set an example for contemporary Muslims in how to combine the secular and spiritual; how to embody your beliefs and be proud of your religion. Malcolm should be reclaimed as the Muslim icon he was as his religion was so important to his work and private life. To understand his spirituality is to truly understand his essence as a human.

In Malcolm’s political career, he appealed to those who felt ignored and disillusioned by the civil disobedience movement, calling them to action with his maxim ‘by any means necessary’. Malcolm was incredibly eloquent and spoke truth to power. He criticised powerful figures like MLK, creating a more efficient and representative civil rights struggle. He also exposed the corruption of the Nation of Islam, despite holding far less power than both. This made him incredibly unpopular– with his enemies baying for his blood and him being forced to be evicted from his house. Malcolm decided to travel, despite not being an official, and forge diplomatic relations to represent the interests of African-Americans on the global stage. He founded the Organisation of Afro-American Unity which sought to forge economic ties with Africa and be a voice ‘overseas for Afro?Americans’. Had he succeeded, this would have been revolutionary. Malcolm’s ability to look at the bigger picture and contextualise the movement within the wider world also, no doubt, strengthened the movement.

But why is it so important to still talk about and recognise Malcolm X? The answer is not, because he was some superhuman historical figure, rather that his tale is very human and his courage to better himself and better the world for others is timeless.

Originally published on Roar News.